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Updated Feb. 2025

The Happy Baby, 1988
Printed 1988
4x5 Polaroids made, studied and given to subjects before exposing film. I worked with this material through 2010 until 4x5 Polaroids became obsolete, then starting digital color.
4x5 Polaroids made, studied and given to subjects before exposing film. I worked with this material through 2010 until 4x5 Polaroids became obsolete, then starting digital color.
"Time spent with people making pictures together, let’s them reckon' their pictures out for themselves."
For years I go back to photograph the same folks again and again, giving them the previous year's images and photographing anew. Sometimes the very first session produces the most exciting images. I continue to visit and revisit photographing. We get to know each other, becoming familiar, sharing our lives. With some, I'm surprised when I get a good picture the first visit and with others it can take several photo sessions over years.
The White Truck, 1998
Printed 2021
Beaver Gap, 1998
Published in Appalachian Lives, 1998
Arlie, Crow and Brice, 1974
Printed 2023
Baby with No Name, 2001
Stephanie and Brittany, 2006
Published in Salt & Truth, 2011
Junior, 1980
Printed 1986
Junior, Rosa Lee and Baby, 1985
printed 1987
Published in "From the Heads of the Hollers," GOST Books, London
Johnny and his Boy's at Pig Pen, 1981
Printed 2021
Published in, "From the Heads of the Hollers," GOST Books, London
The Scott Brothers, 2006
Printed 2021
[photo made in front of closed fruit stand]
Published in, "From the Heads of the Hollers," GOST Books, London.
Pauline, 1985
Printed 90
Pauline, 2019
Printed 2019
Mildred, 1986
Printed 1988
Reene, 1986
Printed 2010
Renee's Grandchildren, 1986
printed 2010
Bucky, 1987
printed 2020
Published in,"From the Heads of the Hollers, GOST Books, London

The Newsome Children, 1997
[Christina far left]
Photo above Published in Appalachian Legacy, 1998
Christina, 1998
Printed 2021
Church Sign, Perry Co.
Printed 2003
Boy with Basketball, 1986
printed 2021
Caney Creek Boys, 1987
Printed 2021
Hub, 2005
Printed 2020
“Through making moonshine for three generations, a mountaineer can refine his formula making medicine to help humanity.”

Father and Son, 1982
Pistol City
Published in Appalachian Legacy, 1998
- "Above all else Adams wants his images to reflect within the creative moment a mutual empathy and participation between himself and his subjects. But in order for such opportunities to flourish and be repeatable in photograph after photograph the full range of human emotions, prejudices, memories, and forgiveness have to be available to the process and allowed as part of it, which Adams describes as “our mutual transcendence” within both the Appalachians and himself."
- —James Enyeart
- Published in Salt & Truth, 2011

Noble's Porch, 1999
Lloyd Dean [Grandfather] located in middle of composition behind grandson.
Published in Appalachian Lives, 2003
Lloyd Dean with Brother Lewis, 2008
Published in Appalachian Lives, 2003
Lloyd Dean with Brother Lewis, 2008
Printed 2008
Published in, "From the Heads of the Hollers." GOST Books, London
Lloyd Dean with grandson's holding promo brochure for salt and truth, June 2011.
[Adam, in middle is holding herbs from root digging.]
Jason, Lloyd Dean's Grandson, photographed beside my 4x5 Linhof, 1999.
Lloyd Dean with grandson's holding promo brochure for salt and truth, June 2011.
[Adam, in middle is holding herbs from root digging.]

Eddie Wayne in Living Room, 2010
[Nora's son]
[Nora's son]
Published in Salt & Truth, 2011
Nora holding layout proof of her son Eddie's photo, as his picture appeared in salt & truth.

Nora's Bedroom, '95
Nora [In mirror composition] as she posed for her photo 15 years before I photographed her son in same family home.
Published in Appalachian Legacy, 1998
As Krishnamurti taught, the observer is the observed; when that is found, there is no longer conflict
between the viewer and the image. As the Gnostic Jesus said, “The kingdom is
within you and it is without you. If you do not know yourself, then you are in
poverty and you are poverty.” Our original mountain settlers came from a proud and
independent spirit; made up of diverse peoples and they never considered themselves
living in poverty. My books have become valued
keepsakes in the homes of many participants over generations. We know each
other and we exchange and embrace confidences as all families do.
Shelby Lee Adams
We Are Still One People
Published in Salt & Truth, 2011

The Joseph's Porch, 1994
Published in Appalachian Legacy, 1998
What's important to remember is that while
barriers have been used to divide us, as
humans we are all the same. Some are more
privileged than others, but with that privilege
comes a responsibility to do more.
Ai Weiwei
What's important to remember is that while
barriers have been used to divide us, as
humans we are all the same. Some are more
privileged than others, but with that privilege
comes a responsibility to do more.
Ai Weiwei
Self-Portrait with Martha and Kizzie, 1992
Published in Appalachian Legacy, 1998
Kizzie, 2008
Printed 2010
Kizzie by Flowerpots, 1995
Published in Appalachian Legacy, 1998
Dan, Cassy and Leddie, 1993
[Leddie on far right.]
Published in Salt & Truth, 2011
Shelby and Dan
Photographer, Charlotte Ostervang
Dan, "Driving Straight To Hell," 1998
Published in Appalachian Lives, 1998
Shelby and Dan
Photographer, Charlotte Ostervang

Tyler and Sheba, 2001
Published in Appalachian Lives, 2003

Sheba Asleep, 2007
Published in Salt & Truth, 2011
Published in Salt & Truth, 2011
4x5 Polaroids made with family before making final image on film of Freddie's Place.
Freddie's Place, 2004
4x5 Polaroids made with family before making final image on film of Freddie's Place.
Printed in 2011
Published in Appalachian Legacy, 1998
Jesse Estep, 1986
Published in Appalachian Portraits, 1993
Scotty, 1993
Young man in photo holding poster publishing Appalachian Dracula with Granny, published in Finland, in the year 2000.
Poster was used to advertise museum exhibit.
Jesse Estep, 1986
Published in Appalachian Portraits, 1993
Scotty, 1993
Published in Appalachian Legacy, 1998
Debbie, 1983
Hillard, 1989
printed 1990
Born To Loose, 1987
Published in Appalachian Portraits, 1993
Published in Salt & Truth, 2011
Linda, 81
Published in Appalachian Portraits, 1993
Where you come from
When you come from the head of the holler and leave for whatever purpose, you eventually gravitate back to your starting place, to observe and participate, finding a more all encompassing perspective, moving forward; from what some deny. That world may be inhabited by the shunned, neglected or even arrogant; that rumble with contradictions and self deceptions, but that is your home, where your true voice and your found vision lie. Your experiences develop into your recognition of these people, the ignored who cry, lament, love and beg you to say - I exist, even when they deny you.
Shelby Lee Adams
August 2007
We need an unprejudiced mind to see what-is; we cannot see what-is and respond to it if the mind is trying to change or suppress it. We resist what-is because we are afraid of the unknown, or because what-is contradicts what we have been conditioned to believe, or because it threatens us. The resulting fear prevents us from accepting what-is. Resistance to what-is may look like strength, but actually arises from fear, whereas it is powerful and freeing to accept what-is.
Surrender means allowing life to happen rather than opposing the flow of life, accepting the present moment without resistance. The necessary action will then arise, but when we act out of acceptance rather than resistance, we act without negativity or judgment. Action that arises out of acceptance is different from action that arises out of rage and hatred. Action that arises from a state of surrender is less contaminated with judgment and the need to hurt others. We simply do what needs to be done without labeling the situation as good or bad according to the ego’s criteria.
Lionel Corbett
Psyche and Sacred
Where you come from
When you come from the head of the holler and leave for whatever purpose, you eventually gravitate back to your starting place, to observe and participate, finding a more all encompassing perspective, moving forward; from what some deny. That world may be inhabited by the shunned, neglected or even arrogant; that rumble with contradictions and self deceptions, but that is your home, where your true voice and your found vision lie. Your experiences develop into your recognition of these people, the ignored who cry, lament, love and beg you to say - I exist, even when they deny you.
Shelby Lee Adams
August 2007
We need an unprejudiced mind to see what-is; we cannot see what-is and respond to it if the mind is trying to change or suppress it. We resist what-is because we are afraid of the unknown, or because what-is contradicts what we have been conditioned to believe, or because it threatens us. The resulting fear prevents us from accepting what-is. Resistance to what-is may look like strength, but actually arises from fear, whereas it is powerful and freeing to accept what-is.
Surrender means allowing life to happen rather than opposing the flow of life, accepting the present moment without resistance. The necessary action will then arise, but when we act out of acceptance rather than resistance, we act without negativity or judgment. Action that arises out of acceptance is different from action that arises out of rage and hatred. Action that arises from a state of surrender is less contaminated with judgment and the need to hurt others. We simply do what needs to be done without labeling the situation as good or bad according to the ego’s criteria.
Lionel Corbett
Psyche and Sacred
Shelby Shepherd, 1989
4x5 Film Version.
Shelby, 1989, Polaroid made when clouds came over changing the light.
4x5 Polaroid Made with Shelby, 1990, one year later.
Published in Salt & Truth, 2011
printed 1998
Printed 2005
Published in Salt & Truth, 2011
4x5 Polaroid studies made with Brenda before exposing film.
Polaroids damaged by rain.
4x5 Polaroid studies made with Brenda before exposing film.
Polaroids damaged by rain.
Published in Salt & Truth, 2011
Published in Salt & Truth, 2011
Published in Appalachian Legacy, 1998
Peggy and Albert, 1999
Maudie, 1996
Published in Appalachian Legacy, 1998
Peggy and Albert, 1999
Published in Appalachian Lives, 2003
Photo made with Peggy and Albert when in 2003 their photo was published
in Appalachian Lives and they had just received their copy.
The Divide

Photo made with Peggy and Albert when in 2003 their photo was published
in Appalachian Lives and they had just received their copy.
Ellis Bailey, 1989
Published in Appalachian Portraits, 1993
The Divide

Leddie with Children, 1990
Published as cover, Appalachian Portraits, 1993.
Published as cover, Appalachian Portraits, 1993.
Published in Salt & Truth, 2011
Estill with Family and Dogs, 2000
Published in "Appalachian Lives," 2003.
Lloyd Dean with Family and Coal Truck, 2002
Published in "Appalachian Lives," 2003.
Lloyd Dean with Family and Coal Truck, 2002
Published in Salt & Truth, 2011
Published in Appalachian Legacy, 1998
Published in Appalachian Portraits, 1993
Lloyd Dean with Grandson's and pool table, 2006
Hort's Corner, 1993
Published in Appalachian Legacy 1998
The Kitchen, 1997
Published in Appalachian Lives, 2003

Published in Salt & Truth, 2011
Printed 1999
Printed 2000
Nikki and Bobbie Joe, 2001
Published in Appalachian Lives, 2003
Nikki with her Dad holding group photo book "Presumed Innocence," with her photo represented.
Published 2008
Corrine and Baby, 1983
Published in Appalachian Portraits, 1993.
Burley in Cowboy Hat holding Grand baby
Baby in Doorway, 2006
Nikki and Bobbie Joe, 2001
Published in Appalachian Lives, 2003
Nikki with her Dad holding group photo book "Presumed Innocence," with her photo represented.
Published 2008
Corrine and Baby, 1983
Published in Appalachian Portraits, 1993.
Shelby Photographing Children Halloween, 2006
Burley in Cowboy Hat holding Grand baby
Baby in Doorway, 2006
Lost Creek Farm, 1996
[age 90]
Photo of Shelby and John together made in 2007 at John's home, Busy, Ky.
Kate, 103 Year's Old, 1986
“You couldn’t buy a job back in the depression. I went to
work when I was 20 years old. I was lucky if I made a dollar a day. I thought
more of my family than myself. I couldn’t get work back here in the mountains.
I had to go look off from here, to Indiana.”
“They’s’ a lot of money in circulation now. Young People can
do what they want; the government keeps money in here now. It go’s on today.
They’s’ men making a hundred dollar’s a day and can’t make it. They’s’ just bad
management, each day making money. I just can go so far, with men like that.
I’m on a fixed income.”
John McIntosh
Photo of Shelby and John together made in 2007 at John's home, Busy, Ky.
Kate, 103 Year's Old, 1986
Contact sheet above from, 1992, "Bert with Jesus Picture's," After several 4x5 Polaroids were made I began exposing the above scanned 4x5 film, first I asked Bert to hold something that was close to him, something precious, we made a couple images with his guitar, then he just wanted to stand, followed by sitting in chair, the last sitting in chair photo was the one I selected to make a final print. In that photo Bert was joking with his niece about having his photo made. The last two images [far right] are what I call my community service work, making photos of family for their uses. I hope to find and post soon the original Polaroids first made.
Emmett, 1983
Mildred and Baby 1986
“If it’s your worse enemy and they come to your door and ask
for food, feed them. You can go back to fightin’ later, stop to feed them
Sherman and Baby, 2002
“You have a chance to tell our stories, something we can
never do, something’ we could never have an opportunity to do. If it was easy,
you wouldn’t be interested in doin it! It just wouldn’t get done, but, you can
tell our stories and that is our history and it shows times changed.”
Reprinted 2022
Published in Appalachian Legacy, 1998
Sign reads - Anyone wearing Shorts or Short Dresses or Anyone Drinking - Do Not Come In
Published in "Appalachian Portraits," 1993
“The Stories get past on and the truth gets passed over. As the sayin goes. Which I reckon some would take as meanin that the truth cant compete. But I don’t believe that. I think that when the lies are told and forgotten the truth will be there yet. It don’t move about from place to place and it dont change from time to time. You cant corrupt it any more than you can salt salt. You cant corrupt it because that’s what it is. It’s the thing you’re talking about. I’ve heard it compared to the rock-maybe in the bible-and I wouldn’t disagree with that. But it’ll be here even when the rock is gone.”
“You were doin something for folks that couldnt do it for theirselves.”
“I think the truth is always simple. It has pretty much got to be. It needs to be simple enough for a child to understand. Otherwise it’d be too late. By the time you figured it out it would be too late.”
Cormac McCarthy
No Country For Old Men
© Shelby Lee Adams, 2010-2023
All photographs and text copyrighted - © 1999-2023 Shelby Lee Adams, legal action will be taken to represent the photographer, the work taken out of context, subjects and integrity of all photographic and written works, including additional photographers published and authors quoted. Permissions - send e mail request with project descriptions.
“The Stories get past on and the truth gets passed over. As the sayin goes. Which I reckon some would take as meanin that the truth cant compete. But I don’t believe that. I think that when the lies are told and forgotten the truth will be there yet. It don’t move about from place to place and it dont change from time to time. You cant corrupt it any more than you can salt salt. You cant corrupt it because that’s what it is. It’s the thing you’re talking about. I’ve heard it compared to the rock-maybe in the bible-and I wouldn’t disagree with that. But it’ll be here even when the rock is gone.”
“You were doin something for folks that couldnt do it for theirselves.”
“I think the truth is always simple. It has pretty much got to be. It needs to be simple enough for a child to understand. Otherwise it’d be too late. By the time you figured it out it would be too late.”
Cormac McCarthy
No Country For Old Men
© Shelby Lee Adams, 2010-2023
The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of a copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by fines and federal imprisonment.
All photographs and text copyrighted - © 1999-2023 Shelby Lee Adams, legal action will be taken to represent the photographer, the work taken out of context, subjects and integrity of all photographic and written works, including additional photographers published and authors quoted. Permissions - send e mail request with project descriptions.